How iOS 14’s New Tracking Feature Impacts Your Facebook Ads

An upcoming update to Apple’s operating system for iPhones and iPads is set to change how certain Facebook ads perform. While Apple’s new feature will give users more control over how their data is used online, it will force advertisers to adapt. The situation is complicated but our team is here to break down what to expect and how your business can prepare.

What’s Happening?

This spring, Apple is set to release an update to iOS 14 that includes App Tracking Transparency (ATT), a feature that requires apps to obtain user permission prior to tracking their data on apps and websites. ATT empowers users to control which apps track their data and make changes accordingly. Simply put, if a user opts out, an advertiser will not be able to track any actions a user takes on their respective website or mobile app.

This has implications for Facebook advertising. Search Engine Journal explains, Facebook uses consumer usage information to “report on actions or purchases from ads, create remarketing, and other similar functions.”

Who is Most Impacted?

According to Facebook, “businesses that advertise mobile apps, as well as those that optimize, target, and report on web conversion events from any of our business tools will be affected.” Advertisers will also see reporting limitations on Facebook’s Ads Manager, Ads Reporting, and the Ads Insights API.

How Can Businesses Prepare?

In preparation of the iOS 14 update, Facebook has introduced Aggregated Event Measurement, a protocol they say will allow for the measurement of web events taken by iOS 14 users. Changes won’t go into effect until Apple officially releases the iOS 14 update to all users. In the meantime, Facebook has outlined some steps advertisers can take to prepare. They include:

Ad Optimized for Conversions Within an App

  • Update to Facebook’s SDK for iOS 14 version 8.1.
  • Ads Optimized for Conversions on a Website

    • Verify your website’s domain through Facebook, if not verified already.
    • Configure 8 web conversion events for each domain through Facebook Events Manager. Facebook now imposes an 8 event limit per domain. An “event” is an action taken on a business’ website as defined by the business. Add to cart, Purchase, Submit Application, and Subscribe are examples of events.

    For a more in-depth look at how Facebook is preparing their advertising platform for this change visit their Business Help Center.

    While it remains unclear just how disruptive these iOS 14 changes will be to advertisers, it’s crucial to be prepared for any outcome. Adaptability is one of the key skills Social Media Managers need to succeed. Changes in technology are inevitable and in the case of social media, often happen with little advance notice. The ability to pivot and adapt to these changes can make or break campaigns.

    Need help managing your business’ paid social campaigns? We’re here to help! Contact us to get the conversation started.
