Websites Built With A Purpose

Websites are a great way to share information about your business with the public. But if you don’t have a plan or goal, your web design can actually be more harmful than helpful.

We live in a time when people go to the internet for just about everything. Checking movie times, searching for a restaurant, talking with friends, finding out what time a business is open until – all done right from their smart phone or computer. So it only makes sense your business should be online too. However, simply being online isn’t enough.

Think Like Your Customer

What would your ideal customer be looking for on your site?

Customers have a need, and the goal of your website is to fulfill this need, whether directly or indirectly. Effective web design will make it easy for consumers to find what they are looking for. It is important that you determine the purpose of your website before getting started.

Why do you need a website?:

  • Showcase products and services
  • Provide contact info & location/directions
  • A way to browse your menu
  • Allow shopping online
  • Demonstrate knowledge and expertise

Get To The Point

Studies show that visitors stay between 5 to 8 seconds on a site before moving on if they don’t find what they’re “interested in.” Establishing a purpose before building will improve the leads that come from your site.

Don’t make your visitors dig for answers.

List your products or services right up front. The web navigation needs to be clean, specific, with an easy to use flow. Your services or products must be listed clearly.

Let people know exactly what it is you offer and how it can help them. Filling your site with fluff that means nothing is just wasting both their time and yours.

At Netwave Interactive, before we build any website for a client we get to know the business, their customers, and what exactly they want to achieve with their website. That is the base for effective web design.

Since 1995, we’ve developed over 500 websites with answers in mind. Browse our portfolio to see examples of sites we’ve built.

If you’re ready to build the website your customers are looking for, let us know.
